Patterned Papers and Books: A Match Of Long Tradition
We have lost ourselves in magazines and books. More correctly: on patterned paper on books and (admittedly) also on Pinterest. An adventure is always full of unexpected obstacles (who knows better than the bookworms of this world…) – and so a few weeks passed without Mønster Patterns being updated. Therefore, let us once again inspire …

Why Patterns On Product Packaging Influence What We Buy
Imagine walking into your local supermarket and seeing all the big-brand packaging you’re used to. You know the look. You know the taste. You’re not interested. You’re browsing the shelves, when suddenly you see a different, a new product. You don’t know the brand or the maker. You’re curious. The packaging is gorgeous. Minimalistic, uncluttered …

Li – Dynamic Form In Nature
Though at first glance the natural world may appear overwhelming in its diversity and complexity, there are regularities running through it. All over nature and all over human behaviour and ancient history. The Chinese have a simple word for this phenomenon: Li. Patterns have an entrancing quality, which even the famous psychologist Carl Gustav Jung studied …

How it started
The Mønster Pattern Story could be told all the way from the beginning, from the origin of creation: the Big Bang…? …but I will spare your time and start it all off in the Winter of 2015/2016. It was then I spent my Christmas holidays with (at that time) complete strangers in the Moroccan Merzouga …

Meet The Maker
“For me, the process of creating a pattern is a (spi)ritual experience.” Mønster Patterns was founded by Anna Niestroj. She has been making patterns ever since the first day of primary school, when she held a chequered notebook in her hands. She draws, paints, etches, scans, prints, stitches, sellotapes, moulds, sculpts and designs on any …